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Hallo dear friends,



Christmas Eve  24th December

15.00 hrs Christmas Musical and Family Service

    17.00 hrs Christmas Service


Both services are in German with simultaneous translation into English by headphones

    >>> Make sure to come early, as the church will be very full ! :o)


Christmas Morning 25th December

    No church service


New Year's Eve 31th December

    10.30 hrs German     church service


Next International English Worship Service

    January 6th 2024,     16.00 hrs



Next International House Bible Study

    January 9th 2024, 18.30 hrs at pastor's house



The time of our

worship service



16.00 hrs

























































 Reasons why people don´t go to church ...

   ... and a few possible answers


Number 1

"I can´t come to church until I get my life together."

    "Church is how I got my life together."

            A place of new beginnings.


Number 2

"Church is just a bunch of hypocrites."

   -  "And there is always room for one more."

            Imperfect people welcome.


Number 3

"All they care about is your money."

   -  "They care about me, not my money."

            People are priceless.


Number 4

"Is there some kind of dress code?"

   -  "Yes. The code is, wear some clothes."

            Come as you are.


Number 5

"Church ? It just makes me nervous."

   -  "I was nervous at first, and then I felt right at home. "

            Right where God wants you.


Number 6

"I´m not sure I believe everything that you believe."

   -  "But you can still belong."

            Doubts welcome.


Number 7

"If you knew me an what I´ve done, you wouldn´t want me."

   -  "If you knew me and what I´ve done, you wouldn´t be worried."



You can come to our church even if you were brought up Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Armenian, Orthodox, Methodist, Jewish, Mormon, Pentecostal, Prespyterian, Church Of Christ, Southern Baptist ...

We have a little bit of everything, and a whole lot of nothing.


See, it´s not about religion, it´s about a relationship.


So please, come to our church

Where nobody is perfect

Where beginners are welcome

Where socks are optional

But where Grace is required

Where forgiveness is offered

Where hope is alive

And where it´s ok, to not be ok.





To view video, click on the picture.














C  Central Christian Church, Henderson, Summerlin